SME Development Finance Corporation.
Supply and installation of door access control systems

Cancelled on 21 June 2021 10:48

SME Development Finance Corporation is seeking potential and competent parties to submit proposal for Supply and installation of door access control systems” as per enclosed Bidder Information Sheet. 

  1. Additional details regarding submission of proposal will be available on the Bidder Information Sheet attached with this Invitation for proposal and uploaded on our website under tenders.
  2. Dates and timings for the bid process:

            Queries: email to before14:00pm,19th May 2021 

            Site Seeing: 19th May 2021 11:00hrs.

            Bid Submission Date: 23rd May 2021 at 10:00hrs via Zoom meeting.

       3. Proponent may obtain further information and clarification through queries sent to the following address:       

SME Development Finance Corporation Pvt ltd

M.Kaneeru Villa 02nd Floor,

Orchid Magu, Male’ 20212

Republic of Maldives


Tel: 3026015

16 May 2021