Regional Airports Company Limited
Invitation For Bids

Re- Tender - Procurement of Server rack & related Items

With reference to our tender RACL/IUL (PROC)2021/23 (5th August 2021), RACL wish to re-tender for proposals for Procurement of Server rack & related items by amending the specifications as below. Hence, we would like interested parties to provide quotation considering the mentioned changes. Kindly refer to the TOR attached with this announcement for further details.

Item Description


42U19” Server Rack Standard 600x2000x1000 (mm) (Black)


UPS System (6KVA)


KVM and Console



RACL shall endeavor to adhere to the following schedule.

Issuance Tender Notice & RFP

August 18th, 2021

Tender Notice and information sheet published on Government Gazette.

Inquiries Period

August 18th, 2021 to August 22nd, 2021 14:00hrs

Inquiries to be sent to

Queries received after the deadline will not be attended


August 18th, 2021 to August 22nd 2021 14:00hrs

Interested parties are required to send an email showing their interest to

Email should consist of the following information

-Company Name

-Registration Number

-Mobile Number

-Email address

Note: It is mandatory for the proponents to complete the email registration process prior to the deadline. RACL would not consider the bids received from unregistered proponents.

Submission & Opening of Proposals

August 26, 2021 14:00hrs

Proposals are to be submitted to RACL Head office before the deadline. Proposals shall be opened in front of the proponents that choose to be present.

The proponents are required to submit their proposal together with relevant documents confirming to the attached information sheet published in Maldivian Gazette (


Bidders are required to submit their bids in sealed envelopes which should be labelled as follows.

-        Bid Title

-        Bidder Name

-        Iulaan number

-        Date


18 August 2021