Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Technology
Consultancy Services to upgrade the developed monitoring portal and electronic library web application


ADDENDUM 1                                                             އެޑެންޑަމް 1                 







Consultancy Services to upgrade the developed monitoring portal and electronic library web application


Issued Date:

09 March 2023

Please include this addendum when submitting the bid. ބިޑް ހުށަހަޅުއްވާއިރު މި ގަނޑުވެސް ޑޮކިއުމަންޓާއި އެކު ހުށަހެޅުއްވަން ޖެހިވަޑައިގަންނަވާނެއެވެ.

Below changes are brought to the document

Data Clause

Tender Data details

4.11 Evaluation Proposals


Criteria, sub-criteria, and point system for the evaluation of Full Technical Proposals are:


(A)   Company Profile:


  1. No. of similar projects- General Experience            [50]
  2. No. of similar projects- Specific Experience             [40]




                                                                                                     Total  A =  [   ]

General Experience

Consultancy experience of the Firm in the involving multi-disciplinary expert teams with 10 points per project with a maximum of 50 points (only successfully completed projects with reference letters will be counted).

Specific Experience

Consultancy experience of the Firm which are related to the scope of works of water, sewerage, road and flood mitigation consultancy works 10 points per project with a maximum of 40 points (only successfully completed projects with reference letters will be counted).          

(B) Software Engineer     


  1. Software Engineer



                                                                                               Total  B=  [   ]

The number of points to be assigned to each of the above positions or disciplines shall be determined considering the following three sub-criteria and relevant percentage weights:

  1. Education and qualifications (refer to TOR for minimum requirements)                                          


  1. General Experience                                                 [25%]     
  2. Specific Experience                                                [25%]




(C) Additional Skill/expertise                                                 


  1. Additional skill/ expertise                                        


                                                                                        Total C = [   ]               

Technical Score (St) =  A/90*[W1] + B/75*[W2] + C/25*[W3]

Weights Distribution


Company Profile



Software Engineer



Additional Skill/expertise


The minimum technical score (s) required to pass is: 65 Points

L. Price

The ceiling amount for the consultancy is MVR 250,000



Submission, Receipt, and Opening of Proposals


Interested individuals may submit their proposals on or before 1400hrs 19th March 2023, to the following address in a sealed envelope. The proposals are expected to be submitted to the address on local time 1400hrs 19th March 2023. Only bids submitted at this time will be eligible to proceed to evaluation and Late bids will be rejected.

Those wishing to be considered for this consultancy should submit their technical and financial proposals in a sealed envelope to:

GCF Project Management Unit

Ministry of Environment

Green Building, Handhuvaree Hingun,

Maafannu, Male’, 20392,

Republic of Maldives.

Tel. (960)-3018-395






09 March 2023