Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy
Request for Expression of Interest - Project Coordinator (individual) for the “Institutional strengthening and capacity building for the sound management of chemicals and wastes in the Maldives” project

Request for Expression of Interest

Project Coordinator (individual) for the “Institutional strengthening and capacity building for the sound management of chemicals and wastes in the Maldives” project


The Government of the Republic of Maldives through the Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy is implementing ‘Institutional strengthening and capacity building for the sound management of chemicals’ project financed by the UNEP Special Programme with the objective to improve the management of hazardous chemicals in the Maldives through strengthening the institutional capacity of the Chemicals Management Unit of the Environment Management and Conservation Department and relevant institutions/stakeholders. By the development and improvement of national institutional capacity to monitor and control chemicals management, and by raising awareness and strengthening coordination among stakeholders at the national level for a continuous dialogue on chemicals management, the project will facilitate enforcement of existing laws, regulations, policies, guidelines and standards to enhance the sound management of chemicals at the national, local, and private levels.


The Special Programme is part of the sub-programme 5 on chemicals and wastes in UNEP’s Programme of Work to support institutional strengthening at the national level to enhance the implementation of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions, the Minamata Convention and the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM). The Government of the Republic of Maldives has received funding from the Special Programme Trust Fund to strengthen the capacities for national implementation of chemicals.


The Ministry invites interested eligible individuals to submit their application.


The details of the Eligibility criteria, Scope of work, Remuneration and Duration of Assignment can be found in the attached TOR of this announcement.


Submission Deadline

The expressions of interest must be submitted before 1200 hours (Maldivian time), 12th December 2023 to the email address: Applications with all the supporting documents attached will only be accepted.


Application title: Project Coordinator (individual) for the “Institutional strengthening and capacity building for the sound management of chemicals and wastes in the Maldives” project


Address to:

Human Resource Section                                                                                         

Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy

Green Building, Handhuvaree Hingun, Maafannu

Male’, 20392, Republic of Maldives

Contact No: 3018300



 Documents to be submitted

-  Curriculum Vitae (clearly stating the starting and ending month and year for previous experiences)

-  Copy of National ID Card

-  Accredited copies of Academic Certificates (Documents accepted are copy of accredited certificates/ Letter of completion from the university together with a written document from Maldives Qualification Authority stating that the course completed is accredited to a certain level.) 

-  Employment Verification Letter from previous employer(s)

-  Candidates currently working in the Civil Service should provide a letter of no objection from their current employer to release from the job. 



Interested individuals may obtain a Terms of Reference attached to this advertisement and also made available at

28 November 2023