Maldive Gas Pvt. Ltd.
Due to lack of response for the tender notice dated 13th August 2024, No. (MGPL-I/PD/2024/11) has been retendered for the legal retainership of Maldive Gas as per the provided TOR.



Maldive Gas Pvt Ltd is looking for a legal retainer service with the required qualification requirement as per instruction given by Maldive Gas in the TOR as a legal retainer.

Interested parties are requested to refer Terms of reference (attached with this announcement) and be present for information session in order to submit the bid on the submission date.

Pre-Bid Session:
A pre bid information session will be held on the 10:00 Hrs (local time) 01st September 2024 (Sunday) at Maldive Gas Pvt Ltd (#02-21, 2nd Floor, S.T.O Trade Centre, Orchid Magu, Male’)

Bid Submission:
Bids shall be delivered to Maldive Gas Pvt Ltd (#02-21, 2nd Floor, S.T.O Trade Centre, Orchid Magu, Male’) 10:00 Hrs (local time) on 10th September 2024 , Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders. Late bids will be rejected.

For any clarifications, please email your queries to before 10:00 Hrs, 03rd September2024.


> Bid submission will be allowed to those who register in the pre bid information session only.
> Maldive Gas reserves the right to consider bids non-responsive if the bidder fails to meet the mandatory requirements.
> MGPL reserves the right to reject any Bid and to annul the Process and reject all Bids at any time without any liability or any obligation.
> Terms of References has been attached with this annoucncement.

28 August 2024