Island Aviation Services Limited
Appointment of General Sales Agent in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu & Beijing

Ref No. IAS/MIS/2024-1788

With reference to the announcement made on 12th September 2024 (Ref NO.IAS/MIS/2024-1707), we have decided to re-announce due to a change in the requirement.   

Island Aviation Services Ltd is seeking interested parties for the appointment of general cargo sales agent (GSA) in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu & Beijing, China.

Therefore, interested parties that would like to participate are required to send an Expression of Interest (EOI)  email along with the EOI Form (Refer to attachment)  copied to  & before 1400hrs, local time in Maldives (GMT + 0500hrs) of October 3rd, 2024.


The email must be clearly marked “EOI FOR APPOINTMENT OF A GENERAL CARGO SALES AGENT (GSA) IN CHINA” in the subject. IASL will not be responsible for missed emails due to the emails not being marked.


Note: Request For Proposal (RFP) and EOI Form is available to download from Gazette Announcement.

Furthermore, it is not mandatory for the participants who have shown interest in the in the previous announcement (Ref NO.IAS/MIS/2024-1707) to re submit EOI form again.

26 September 2024