ވަޒީފާގެ ފުރުޞަތު
ނަންބަރު: (IUL) 459-HR/1/2020/89
ޕަބްލިޝްކުރި ތާރީޚް: 14 އޭޕްރިލް 2020
ޕަބްލިޝްކުރި ގަޑި: 15:22
ސުންގަޑި: 22 އޭޕްރިލް 2020 14:00
މިނިސްޓްރީ އޮފް ޖެންޑަރ، ފެމިލީ އެންޑް ސޯޝަލް ސަރވިސަސް
Registered nurses

Vacancies in Ministry of Gender, Family and Social Services


   We are currently seeking highly qualified Registered nurses to join our team.

Vacant position



Bachelors’ degree or Diploma in Nursing

Basic Salary

9060 MVR

Food allowance

1800 MVR

Accommodation Allowance  

Where Ministry has its own accommodation, it will be Provided. In the event where accommodation is not available monthly allowance of MVR 3000 will be provided

Service Allowance

MVR 188 per attending day

Overtime pay

Per rate on hourly basis (Beyond 40 hours per week)

Place of Work

Home for People with Special Needs (HPSN) / K. Guraidhoo (Ministry of Gender, Family and Social Services)

Contract period

1 Year (Based on the performance contract will be extended)

Job Summary

Primary responsibility includes providing care to patients in HPSN based on their care plan outlined by the doctor, resolving and revolving patients’ needs and issues, monitoring and maintaining the records  of patients regarding his/her condition. Etc.


Candidates interested in applying, please email your CV along with other relevant documents to hr@gender.gov.mv before 22nd April 2020 14:00. For more information please call +960 3027107

14 އޭޕްރިލް 2020