Available for Rent
Number: 116-F3/IL/2020/116
Published Date: 14 Dec 2020
Published Time: 15:48
Deadline: 17 Dec 2020 13:00
Maldives Airports Company Limited
Extension of the Registration period for the “Leasing of Lounge Spaces at MACL New Seaplane Terminal Building at VIA”

Extension of the Registration period for the “Leasing of Lounge Spaces at MACL New Seaplane Terminal Building at VIA”

Reference is given to the Tender notice no 116-F3/IL/2020/113 dated 3rd December 2020 where Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL) operating the Velana International Airport (VIA) expressed its wish to lease lounge spaces in MACL New Seaplane Terminal Building (NSPT) at VIA to interested parties.

The Registration period for this Tender ended on 1300hrs of 10th December 2020, Thursday. However, a lot of parties are still expressing interest (EOI) to Register for this Tender. Therefore, as per the MACL management decision, the Registration period has been extended till 1300hrs of 17th December 2020, Thursday.

Interested parties shall Register in the bidding by an expression of interest (EOI) by post, fax or email (bidinfo@macl.aero) on or before 1300hrs of 17th December 2020, Thursday. The registering party shall provide their full legal name, address and contact details in order to be registered. For avoidance of doubt, parties that have already Registered or any party that has already sent EOI need not send EOI again. The Tender Document will be shared with all the Registered Parties via email upon Registration period end.

The interested parties shall be a business entity that has the license to operate a resort/seaplane/tour. The bid submitting parties shall furnish a Bid Security of USD 10,000 (or its equivalent in MVR) in accordance, for each proposing location.


For further information, please contact us at the following:

Tel:  +960 3337279 / 3337266/ 3337236 / 3337204

Fax: +960 3331772

E-mail: bidinfo@macl.aero

Web site: http://www.macl.aero

14 Dec 2020