ވަޒީފާގެ ފުރުޞަތު
ނަންބަރު: (IUL) 164-PRO/1/2021/38
ޕަބްލިޝްކުރި ތާރީޚް: 23 އޮގަސްޓް 2021
ޕަބްލިޝްކުރި ގަޑި: 10:36
ސުންގަޑި: 31 އޮގަސްޓް 2021 10:00
ނޭޝަނަލް ސެންޓަރ ފޮރ އިންފޮމޭޝަން ޓެކްނޮލޮޖީ
Cyber Security Consultant


Retainer based cybersecurity consultancy to NCIT

The National Centre for Information Technology requires the services of a retainer-based cybersecurity consultant. A complete set of the bidding documents and Terms of Reference is attached with this advertisement.

Bid Validity

Bids must be valid for a period of 90 calendar days from the date of bid opening.

Bid Submission

Bids must be submitted to the office at the address below before 10:01 AM Maldivian Time on 31st August 2021. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Address for bid submission

National Centre for Information Technology

No 64, Kalaafaanu Hingun

Male’, 20064, Republic of Maldives


Bid Opening

The bids will be opened at 10:05 AM on 31st August 2021 in the presence of the bidders or their representatives who must be present in the bid opening session.

Address for bid submission

National Centre for Information Technology

No 64, Kalaafaanu Hingun

Male’, 20064, Republic of Maldives




Any clarifications to the bid may be sent to thefollowing mail address by 26th August 2021, 1300 hours.

Email: procurement@ncit.gov.mv

Copy to: secretariat@ncit.gov.mv

Proposals must be sealed and addressed as below

                                                             Procurement Section                                                                                 

National Centre for Information Technology

No 64, Kalaafaanu Hingun

Male’, 20064, Republic of Maldives

Email: procurement@ncit.gov.mv

Website: www.ncit.gov.mv

Title of Service: Retainer based cybersecurity consultancy to NCIT

Advertisement number: (IUL)164-PRO/1/2021/38


Please include the Name, contact number and email address of the bidder in the envelope -

23rd  August 2021

23 އޮގަސްޓް 2021