ނަންބަރު: (IUL)372-A1/372/2023/41
ޕަބްލިޝްކުރި ތާރީޚް: 23 އޮކްޓޫބަރު 2023
ޕަބްލިޝްކުރި ގަޑި: 14:54
ސުންގަޑި: 23 ނޮވެންބަރު 2023 13:00
ނިލަންދެއަތޮޅު އުތުރުބުރީ މަގޫދޫ ކައުންސިލްގެ އިދާރާ
Invitation for Bids (IFB) for the Lease, Development, Operation and Management of a Tourist Guest House and City Hotel in F. Magoodhoo

Invitation for Bids (IFB) for the Lease, Development, Operation and Management of a Tourist Guest House and City Hotel in F. Magoodhoo

The announcement with reference number (IUL)372-A1/372/2023/36 has been canceled and re-announced.

The Secretariat of the Magoodhoo Council (the Council) hereby announces Invitation for Bids (the IFB) for the Lease, Development, Operation and Management of a Tourist Guest House and City Hotel in F. Magoodhoo Tourism Zone.

For this project we have allocated land areas (as per Annex III of Bidding Document) under the Council’s jurisdiction from location as per the Land Use Plan.

Interested parties may register to join for virtual information session will be held on 13th November 2023, 1300hrs. Those who wish to participate in must email to procurement@magoodhoo.gov.mv expressing their interest with name, email address and phone number, before 1400hrs on 12th November 2023.

Interested parties may purchase the Bidding Documents from 23rd october 2023 up to the 13th November 2023, between 0800hrs to 1400hrs, at the following address or via email.

Bidders who have previously registered are not required to re-register.

Secretariat of the Magoodhoo Council,

Magoodhoo, North Nilandhe Atoll

Telephone: +(960)6740014

Email: procurement@magoodhoo.gov.mv

Cc: info@magoodhoo.gov.mv 

We welcome interested parties with the required financial and technical expertise to participate in this bid and delivered the proposal before 23rd November 2023 1300hrs.

For further information regarding this bid announcement, and for the bid registration please send your queries to procurement@magoodhoo.gov.mv.

Bids will be opened in the presence of Bidders or their representatives who choose to attend the meeting on 23rd November 2023 1300hrs.The representative of Bidder must have written authorization to attend the meeting from the Bidder.

23 އޮކްޓޫބަރު 2023