ނަންބަރު: (IUL)252/252/2023/94
ޕަބްލިޝްކުރި ތާރީޚް: 28 ޑިސެންބަރު 2023
ޕަބްލިޝްކުރި ގަޑި: 13:48
ސުންގަޑި: 11 ޖަނަވަރީ 2024 13:00
ތިލަދުންމަތީ އުތުރުބުރީ ފިއްލަދޫ ކައުންސިލްގެ އިދާރާ
Invitation for the Submission of EOI for the Development and Operation of Solar Energy Project in Ha.Filladhoo Tourism Zone

NO: (IUL)252/252/2023/94


Invitation for the submission of EOI for the Development and Operation of Solar Energy Project in Ha.Filladhoo Tourism Zone.

Filladhoo Council hereby announces the investment opportunity for interested parties to undertake the Development and Operation of Solar Energy Project in Ha.Filladhoo Tourism Zone for Minimum 30 (Thirty) Years.

Ha.Filladhoo is one of the largest islands in the Maldives devoid local tourism by designating more than 413,800 Square meter of Lands for Tourism ventures. Filladhoo Tourism Zone is a vast expanse of lands on our Island leased for exclusively designated for tourism ventures. Nestled as one of the Maldives’ largest island in terms of land area, our Island has strategically marked out separate land plots near northern area of the island, distinct from our residential zones. These allocated lands are purposefully reserved and tendered  for tourism development, situated within the demarcated boundaries of the designated tourist village area, as outlined in the our island’s comprehensive land use plan. Within the tourism-focused of our Island, an impressive assortment of 99 diverse land plots ranging from 5,000 acres to an expansive 125,000 acres, tailored to accommodate a wide spectrum of tourism-related endeavours. This remarkable milestone marks a pivotal turning point for Tourism in Our Island.

As the world continues its journey to net zero, solar energy continues to be a key weapon in the renewable energy development. Global backing of renewable energy development shows no sign of slowing down due to a variety of factors including global warming and energy security. As the cleanest and most abundant renewable energy resource available currently, solar energy production provides a fantastic investment opportunity for diversify infrastructure portfolios.

The Solar Energy sector is of strategic importance and vital for our economic and tourism development. Provision Solar Energy for Tourism Zone in our Island is recognized by Our Council as a high priority.

The followings are the key responsibility of the interested Parties;

1-    Conducting preliminary assessments

These assessments involve identifying the optimal site for the project and assessing various factors that affect the project's feasibility

A)  Site Selection

B)  Feasibility Study; This includes Financial analysis, Technical analysis and Environment Impact Assessment.

C)  Market Research

2- Designing and Engineering

This assessment involves developing a plan that takes into account the site's physical and technical characteristics

A)  Component Selection

B)  Solar Panel Orientation and Tilt

C)  Electrical and Structural Design

3-    Permits and Approvals

A series of permits and approvals must be obtain to progress with a utility-scale solar project. Our Council will provide all assists to obtain required approvals if needed.

A)  Environment Permits

B)  Grid Connection & Inter Connection Agreements

4-    Financing and Procurement

5-    Construction and Installation

A)  Site Preparation

B)   Component Installation

C)   Electrical Connection

D)  Quality Control and Inspections

E)   System Performance Testing

F)    Safety Compliance

G)  Final Inspections

6-    Operation and Maintenance

A)  Monitoring System Performance

B)   Preventive Maintenance

C)   Reactive Maintenance and repairs

For this Solar Energy Project, Council will Provide Land for minimum 30 (Thirty) Years. The EIO submitted shall include a development plan that includes but not limited to the following specifications.

  1. A brief concept of Solar Energy Project in Ha.Filldhoo Tourism Zone.
  2. Supporting facilities such as Road Lights, Consulting on this project, etc.

Filladhoo Council would proceed with the EOI that best suits its vision and strategic objectives. In evaluating the EOIs, financial capacity, proposed business concept and experience of the developer/ contractor would be taken into consideration. As a mandatory documents, the developer/ contractor must submit financial statements of the most recent 3 years and any other document(s) proving the financial strength of the developer/contractor. The developer/ contractor must provide document(s) of past 5 year’s completed and ongoing projects in related field of work.

The EIO application form shall be submitted via email (admin@filladhoo.gov.mv) on or before 13:00hrs of 11th January 2024.


28th December 2023

28 ޑިސެންބަރު 2023