Public Information
Number: (IUL)492-MAP/492/2024/163
Published Date: 11 Sep 2024
Published Time: 13:43
Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Welfare
Market Linkages for Farmers

Market Linkages for Farmers


The Maldives Agribusiness Program (MAP) is a five-year project with the objective of developing the agrobusiness sector in the Maldives. The Government of Maldives (GoM) through the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Welfare (MAAW) is implementing the project with financing from International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD). The programme is aimed at introducing and training farmers to adopt climate smart and sustainable farming practices using modern agricultural technologies.  This program is targeted at 26 islands within North Thiladhummathi, South Thiladhummathi and North Miladhunmadulu. One of the main objectives of the programme is to establish linkages with farmers and key market players and to further facilitate the development of agricultural value chain in the Maldives.

 In this regard, MAP is in the process of establishing a registry of agricultural entrepreneurs and potential buyers within this sector. Through this registry, MAP aims to develop a database of market participants in the agricultural value chain consisting of agricultural input suppliers, and market intermediaries engaged in selling locally sourced fresh agricultural products. This would enable the establishment of vital market linkages between farmers and agrobusinesses and further ensure the availability of high-quality agricultural products in the local market at reasonable prices.

 Entrepreneurs who are interested in joining this platform are kindly requested to submit their information to the MAP email address at

 For further information and inquiries, please call 3033400 or mail at

11 Sep 2024