Number: 220-TP/CIR/2015/09
Published Date: 02 Jul 2015
Published Time: 15:57
Maldives Inland Revenue Authority
Filing tax returns and making payments via MIRAconnect

Subject:  Filing tax returns and making payments via MIRAconnect

Pursuant to Section 19 of the Online Filing and Payment Regulation (Regulation Number 2015/R-147), the details of the tax returns that can be filed and the payments that can be made through MIRAconnect is provided below.

In accordance with Section 9 of the Online Filing and Payments Regulation, the tax returns that can be submitted through MIRAconnect are:

  1. MIRA 304 (BPT Return)
  2. MIRA 303 (Statement of Interim Payment)
  3. MIRA 301 (Withholding Tax Return)
  4. MIRA 206 (GST Return – Tourism Sector)
  5. MIRA 205 (GST Return – General Sector)

In accordance with Section 3(a), Section 12(a) and Section 13(a) of the Online Filing and Payment Regulation, the revenue types for which you can make payments through MIRAconnect are:

  1. Business Profit Tax (BPT)
  2. Withholding Tax
  3. Goods and Services Tax (GST)
  4. Tourism Land Rent
  5. Company Annual Fee
  6. Agricultural Land Rent
  7. Vehicle Fee

In accordance with Section 14(a) of the Online Filing and Payment Regulation, the revenue types for which you can make payments via MRTGS are:

  1. Business Profit Tax (BPT)
  2. Withholding Tax
  3. Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Should you have any queries, please call 1415 or email us at 1415@mira.gov.mv.

30 Jun 2015