Number: 220-TSD/CIR/2017/01
Published Date: 12 Jan 2017
Published Time: 14:06
Maldives Inland Revenue Authority
Important information for businesses importing goods into the Maldives


Important information for businesses importing goods into the Maldives

As businesses that import goods into the Maldives are required to register with MIRA under the Goods and Services Act (Law Number 10/2011) and have obligations to fulfil under this law, import license holders are requested to take note of the following:

  1. Not to import goods for a third party under your license. All goods imported under the license in your name would be considered as goods imported for your use. As such, goods imported for a third party would be considered as a sale of goods to the third party and therefore be subject to GST.
  2. If you do not have further use for the import license, cancel the import license even if the license has not expired, in order to prevent misuse of your license by a third party.
  3. Customs agents or brokers should ensure that the goods are in fact being imported by the shipment consignee when goods are imported through that customs agent or broker. This is because there is opportunity for third parties to import goods under your license without your knowledge.  

Should you have any queries, please call 1415 or email us at 1415@mira.gov.mv.



08 Jan 2017