Number: (IUL)438-CCD/438/2018/289
Published Date: 25 Oct 2018
Published Time: 14:21
Deadline: 08 Nov 2018 11:00
Ministry of Environment and Energy
Recruitment of National/International Consultants for Capacity Building of Maldives’ National Designated Authority (NDA) and Preparation of Country Strategic Framework Maldives

Invitation to submit Proposals- Second Announcement

The Ministry of Environment and Energy (MEE), Maldives is the National Designated Authority (NDA) of the Government of the Republic of Maldives to the Green Climate Fund. While MEE is the NDA, there is much demand in country for in-depth knowledge of the GCF and its operations and procedures. In order to disseminate key operational procedures of the fund, including its environmental and social safeguards, gender policy and no-objection procedures to all the interested actors and stakeholders, the NDA office requires strengthening its capacity as well as facilitating and institutionalizing stakeholder dialogues and consultation processes. 

The project, Readiness and Preparatory Support for ‘Establishing and Strengthening National Designated Authority (NDA), and Developing Strategic Framework for Engagement with the GCF in the Maldives’ therefore has the objectives to i) Strengthen the NDA capacity to engage with the GCF, and ii) Facilitate engagement of stakeholders in an inclusive process in defining country programme. These objectives will be met through drafting of a series of documentation and training materials, inclusive stakeholder consultations, meetings and trainings as described in sections below.

Capacity built through this readiness and preparatory support proposal/project will contribute to effectively build a strategic framework for the Maldives to engage the GCF on Climate Change interventions.

The Ministry of Environment and Energy is seeking a qualified national/ international consultant to enhance Maldives’ capacity to engage with the GCF and effectively access finance to respond to national climate change and development priorities, in a strategic, coordinated, and participatory manner.

The Ministry of Environment and Energy invited interested eligible individual consultants to submit their proposals through our advertisement referenced (IUL)438-CCD/438/2018/247 dated 19 September 2018. As the minimum number of required proposals required for evaluation was not received by the deadline, the advertisement has been cancelled and the consultancy assignment is hereby re-advertised.

MEE therefore invites interested eligible individual consultants to submit their proposals.

Interested consultants must provide following:

-          Letter of Expression of Interest

-          CV of the consultant

-          Valid reference letters from the clients for the relevant assignments carried out in the past

-          Attested copies of educational qualifications

-          Proposed methodology of work

-          Total cost of the assignment

Interested consultants may obtain additional information from the “Terms of Reference” attached to this advertisement. The “Terms of Reference” will also be available for download in the Ministry’s website

The Proposals must be submitted to the address below at 1100 hours on 8 November 2018. Financial proposal must be submitted in a sealed envelope titled as below to the below address.

“Recruitment of National/International Consultants for Capacity Building of Maldives’ National Designated Authority (NDA) and Preparation of Country Strategic Framework Maldives”

Procurement Section

Ministry of Environment and Energy

Green Building, Handhuvaree Hingun, Maafannu

Male’, 20392

Republic of Maldives

25 Oct 2018